Dear All~


Today I want to share a story that warmed the cockles of my heart.  That is from my ELS teacher-Saundra, who is a fill of love’s teacher, she let us read it in class.  I learned much deep thinking from her.






This is a true story that happened in London . In 1969, there were two young men from Australia , John Rendall and Ace Bourke. One day they went to Harrod’s (the big department in London ) and bought a little cub back to their apartment. The cub, was named Christian. He liked to be touched and he wanted to be wherever John and Ace were. John and Ace usually took Christian to the park or restaurants. If they went to a far place, Christian would be put in the back seat. They loved their pet very much.






But soon, Christian weighed 185 pounds. John and Ace couldn’t continue to keep him. They decided to bring him to Kenya . There was a good place for animals. And they found a person-George, who could teach Christian to return to the wild. John and Ace were sorry to leave Christian, but that was the best thing they could do for him, to give him a free life.



但是小獅子長大的很快,大約一年後他們沒有很好的空間繼續養牠,所以決定要帶牠去肯亞,那裡有野生動物的保護區,而且透過介紹認識了George,他會訓練Christian如何回到野外生活。 把Christian留在肯亞John和Ace覺得很對不起牠,但是那是對他最好的方式-給他一個自由的生活。




After two years, John and Ace missed their pet very much. They decided to go to Kenya to see Christian one last time, but George told them that Christian might not remember them.  Christian had become a wild lion. But they did.


 大約兩年後,John和Ace非常想念他們的寵物,他們決定飛到肯亞去再建他最後一面,但是George告訴他們Christian不一定還記得他們而且牠已經是一隻有自己族群的野生公獅子了。 但是,他們還是做到了。





After our reading, the teacher showed the film to us. The moment, that Christian gave John and Ace big hug, just like when he was a cub, really touched our heart. I almost cried. It is really love between people and their pet. You must like it. I hope you can enjoy it, too.


閱讀完那篇英文文章後,Saundra突然帶我們去看YouTube上的影片,那裡有紀錄當時他們回去找Christian的過程,再他們見面的那一刻,真的是令人動容,眼淚都快流出來了! 網路上有很多介紹他們故事的網站或是影片,你們可以去找來看,特別是愛寵物的,一定會超有感觸!!





















  • 到Google裡打"Christian the lion"就會有很多相關的影片和紀錄













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